Psychology Has It Backwards

Episode 102: What Is Free Will?

People get confused by the term “free will.”  Things happen that are out of our control!  How could we have free will?  We can’t make the world conform to our desires.  But we can make the best — or the worst — of our fate.  Everything in the universe is part of the infinite energy of creation.  So things are always in motion, changing, creating.  We have a gift, free will, the ability to think any way we want to about anything we want to think about.  We are constantly creating our personal experience of everything that is happening around us.  Free will is the power to make the most of adversity, enjoy beauty, appreciate people and things, or to find the negative in everything and torture ourselves with insecurity.  Free will is what allows us to change our minds, to see beyond our limitations, to choose our course through life.

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