Psychology Has It Backwards

Episode 168: When Am I Ready To Share What I Understand?

We created this podcast live with an audience at the Three Principles conference in London.  Chris was on stage in London; Judy was being broadcast from her home in Pittsburgh, appearing on a big screen on stage with Chris.  People often ask how we develop ideas, how long it takes to prepare our material, etc., so we decided to show them.  We asked for a subject from the audience.  Someone responded quickly that he would like to hear us talk about how people know when they’re ready to share their understanding of the 3P.  We chatted about it for a couple of minutes, then we started recording the podcast.  We did our usual 25 minutes or so, sharing what we see about the topic.  The point was if we talk from the heart about what we truly know, if we listen deeply to each other, we’re ready to share.

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