Psychology Has It Backwards

Episode 177: What Does Innate Health Mean for Us?

Innate Health is a description of the effect of The Three Principles in action. Everyone has Innate Health; it is the pure spiritual energy of creation that is aliveness in us. It is the pure energy we bring to our experience via our power to think. The Principles have no role in what we think; they describe that we think. Innate Health is the state we experience when we are in the present moment, with a quiet mind. It is “innate” because it is natural, neutral life energy, before we add ideas and images that then appear to be real to us in that moment. Once people see that until we think, we are in neutral, we realize that the power to think again, to get a fresh perspective with one new thought, to have faith in the universal gift of Thought, is the power we have to come back to neutral and clear our minds and think again. Innate Health is the fact of humanity that allows us to forgive ourselves and others for thoughts we regret acting on, or for getting stuck in negative thinking about life or people. As soon as we “see” that, we are able to come to peace and open our minds to insights and fresh ideas.

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